Digital Marketing – South Africa

Inbound Marketing vs. Digital Marketing – What’s the difference?

Inbound marketing and digital marketing; these two terms may seem similar: both focus on creating digital content for online audiences. However, there is a major difference: one resides in the other.

Digital Marketing: An Umbrella Term for Outbound and Inbound Marketing

What is digital marketing? It’s a form of marketing which takes place online in the form of digital content such as text, images, adverts, emails and videos.

These methods include both push and pull marketing tactics (otherwise known as inbound and outbound marketing methods). Therefore, digital marketing is an umbrella term in which inbound marketing and outbound marketing fall under.

The role of digital marketing in a business is to effectively market your brand to an online audience. However, your method of marketing, whether inbound or outbound, will have drastic effects on your marketing success.

Inbound Marketing vs Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing

The definition of outbound marketing is a series of tactics which aim to place a marketing message (or an advertisement) directly in front of the viewer.

Outbound marketing tactics also aim to show the message to as many people as possible, regardless of whether the message is welcomed or even relevant to the audience.

Outbound marketing examples:

  • Banners Ads that push products or promotions onto an audience.
  • PPC (Pay-per-click advertising)
  • Content syndication
  • Email Marketing (usually in the form of spam Emails)

The Disadvantages of Outbound Marketing

  • There is more difficulty in tracking ROI (return on investment).
  • It’s a high-cost, low-yield solution.
  • There is an increase in blocking techniques (such as Spam filters and “do not call” lists).

Inbound Marketing (IM) Defined

The definition of IM refers to the ‘full funnel’ method of attracting; engaging and enlightening online audiences with high quality content in order to turn them into customers.

Inbound marketing tactics make use of high quality online content that will provide helpful assets to the online target market. These IM tactics attract target customers to the business’ website.

SEO-Social Media Marketing-Content Marketing

An Example of Inbound Marketing

Possibly the simplest, yet most effective of the IM tools is a blog engine. Blogs allow your website to capitalize on information regarding the keywords and phrases that your ideal customer audience is looking for.

The other methods which are used with IM are varied (including both organic and paid methods) and include:

  • Online PR (Public Relations)
  • Email marketing
  • Marketing automation
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Native advertising
  • PPC (Pay-per-click advertising)
  • Social media marketing
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Content marketing

These tactics may be used throughout an IM strategy. As a result of the work put into inbound marketing strategies, the ideal customer will be delighted when they perform a search and are attracted to your business’ website that is full of useful, high quality content.

Digital Marketing South Africa

The world of digital marketing is dynamic and complex, as is your audience. If you are not using digital, and more importantly, inbound marketing as a tool to satisfy your audience and market your business, then it’s guaranteed that you are missing out on incredible benefits.

Digital Marketing South Africa offers you the opportunity to take your business to the next level. Our team of digital and social media marketing wizards are fully equipped with the tools necessary to help you grow your business.

We handle all aspects of online marketing, including:

Feel free to contact us for more information about our online marketing services.

ITM – Website Design South Africa

Having fantastic inbound marketing is great, but it means nothing without an equally fantastic website. Therefore it is critical that your web design is modern and uses current technology.

Your website should serve as a support to your marketing efforts and include elements such as a Blog and Social Media.

Digital Marketing South Africa utilises the superior professional web design services of ITM Website Design.

WHAT is Google PPC Marketing and WHY is it important to your business?

Google Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) is a model of internet marketing in  which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. When you have an awesome website that’s filled with impactful, high quality content that’s just waiting for the right audience but you don’t have the  online knowledge to target that market then pay-per-click can assist you to generate quality traffic for your website. Google Ads platform offers several different types of marketing campaigns – Search, Display, Video and Shopping – which one is best for you and your   business is something our Google Ads experts with determine. So, give us a  call or drop us an email and let us do the rest.

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